Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze!

Ooops - Spoiler Alert! - My bad :)

I have a "funny" story about the previous post. (I'll try to be brief, but 8 years later I'm still a tad bitter, so bear with me.)

Sixth Sense was released during a very busy time in my life, so I didn't get to see it until about 5 or 6 weeks after it released. I had heard there was a twist, so I was REALLY careful to avoid reading, hearing, or seeing anything that gave it away. One day I was reading something totally random and unrelated - like an article in National Geographic about melting polar caps - that wasn't it, but it was similarly totally unrelated to anything to do with the movie - -and the article said something about Bruce Willis being dead.


I was SO careful! My bitterness was such that for a year or two everytime I went to the video store I'd randomly blurt out "Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze!", because I wanted others to suffer right along with me.

If you think that was wrong, don't worry: karma has caught up with me.

There are 18 spoilers on the shirt, most of which I already knew about because I:

Saw the movie (Luke's Father, Verbal is Keyser Soze, Dil is Actually a Man, Neo is the One, etc.)

Read the book (Snape Kills Dumbledore)

Saw it on the cover of People 4200 times (Kristen shot J.R.)

Saw Spaceballs (It Was Earth All Along)

Saw Drop Dead Gorgeous (Soylent Green is Made of People)

Would see the movie if I didn't think it would keep me from sleeping for a month, so I had Network God tell me the ending instead (The Villagers Sacrifice the Policeman, Donnie Dies)

Spoiled when I read something totally random and unrelated like an article in National Geographic about melting polar caps (The Kid's Therapist is a Ghost)

That Leaves:

Don't care unless the 1 is the bad guy because he was pretty hot in Love Actually (299 Die)


Tyler Durden isn't real.

So I googled it.


I have watched the first hour or so of Fight Club like 8 times, which apparently isn't enough to recognize the font, the symbol on the shirt, or the damn name. Guess I don't need to bother watching the rest.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Spoiler Warning

I totally want this.