Thursday, April 05, 2007

You managed to kill just about eveybody else...

...but like a true marksman you keep missing the target.


Vika said...

It took me forever to realize where that quote was from. I guess my brain must be really fried not to notice the Wrath of Khan tag on the post :D

It was good to see you guys! Sorry we had to leave-we didn't gt home until 10:15 as it was. Next time we must take the next day off.

Witty said...

For some odd reason that has always been my favorite quote from Star Trek. I think "there be whales here" is a close second.

It was good to see you too :)

Vika said...

It may be one of the best quotes in moviedom, indeed :D


"You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you."
"YOU seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."

Is in the top ten as well :D

Witty said...

I think the best is:

"You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill."

Just because there are so many opportunities in life to toss this little gem into the conversation...