Thursday, April 26, 2007

Your total comes to 30 pieces of silver

I'd love to make a clever witty remark about this, but I really have nothing to add:


Vika said...

"No no no-I need the BIG ones with the hand-hammered finish. We want to be SURE of tetanus infection!"

Witty said...

You seem to know an awful lot about the kind of nails used. Makes me go hmmmm...

Vika said...

WHAAAT-didn't you see the Passion of the Christ?

Besides, that's the only kind they had back then.


Vika said...

(~sigh~ okay, I admit it, I was present at the Crucifixion in a previous life. There, now I've gone and told everybody. Happy now?)

(or just creeped out ;D)

Grendel said...

I missed the crucifixion of Jesus, but I was there for Brian. . .

Vika said...

Darn. Missed that one. I heard it was a good time!

Witty said...

I followed the gourd, but I bet you two were sandal followers!

Grendel said...

Well, it was a bit of downer, but we always looked on the bright side. . .

It doesn't matter who we followed, as long as we were all individuals!

Witty said...

Dude - Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day!

I'm not going down alone...

Its a small world after all, Its a small world after all...

Take that ;)

Grendel said...

Ah, but I have the perfect defense to happy bright and catchy songs:

The Misfits, "Skulls"

I want your skull. . .
I waaaaant your skulllll. . .

:) Mickey's all gone now. :)

Vika said...

Ooooooooohhhhh Come on Eileen....

Grendel said...

"I got something to saaaay. . ."

Also The Misfits. Won't be quoting the rest of the song as it starts to get offensive from there. . .(that's the first line. It happens quickly. . .)

Witty said...

Hey Macarena!

Grendel said...

Boop-boop be do doop.

Witty said...

See that one I like. 'Cause the muppets rock. We played Cake's version at our wedding when we cut the cake.

What's really annoying is:

MMMBop, ba dubi dop ba do bop,
Ba dubi dop ba do bop,
Ba dubi dop ba do. Oh yeah,
MMMBop ba dubi dop ba do bop,
Ba dubi dop ba do bop,
Ba dubi dop ba do

Grendel said...

Yes, but it's mitigated by the fact that I thought all but the oldest was a girl for the longest time.

So while horrible, also funny.

I am, though, horrified that you knew enough to be able to type the chorus out. . .

Went to a party/ I danced all night. . .

Another one I won't be continuing. :)

Witty said...

Don't be too horrified. After I started typing I realized I didn't know how to spell the "words" so I had to look the lyrics up :)

Grendel said...

I do feel better now, actually. :)