Thursday, May 10, 2007

As Long As You're All Making Fun Of My Awesome Sunset View... may as well have some extra ammunition.

Until recently we had no working outdoor lights because every time we changed the light bulbs in them they would pop. So we would have friends come for dinner and they would have to, like, bring flashlights just to be able to get to our door.

So a few weeks back we got a new set of outdoor lights.

I don't think you can really get a clear idea of this from the picture, but let's just say that we have received several notes from the Coast Guard thanking us for our commendable efforts to keep ships clear of the New Jersey coastline, which is a mere 100 miles away from my front door.

Seriously - does it not look like a mini sun?


Vika said...

Mini sun in the front yard....check!

So...when do you expect to start seeing life evolve on the outlying mini planets? Next month? (because you know evolution speeds up when it's in miniature, right? ;D)

Grendel said...


My eyes!
