Sunday, May 06, 2007

Of Night And Light And The Half-Light

I have the very good fortune to live in a house that faces west. So on a regular basis I can look out my front door and see sunsets like this:

The same night there was a beautiful full moon peeping out from the clouds:

So lovely and serene, isn't it?


Vika said...


Although the second picture looks like the sort of shot you see in a film just before all the rockstar types you know start to get REALLY HAIRY and bark.

Vika said...

Then again, on that same vein: the first picture could be from another film where you find out that your good friend...umm...Zelda?...who died under mysterious circumstances last week has been seen roaming the neighborhood after dark in very suggestive lacy negligee with impressive new dental work.

(hah-I said vein :D)

Witty said...

Apparently it would behoove me to invest in a better digital camera to get the true look I was going for.

Then again, my neighbor has been saying something that sounds suspiciosly like "brains" recently. But if I'm going to have a zombie for a neighbor, then I want a cool one like Bill Nighy.

Vika said...

Did you SEE my post with the link to Cate Blanchett As Zombie?

I know how she feels.

But seriously, they are nice pics-it's just what my state of mind was when viewing them. And, of course, too much Buffy

Vika said...

BTW-I love how the first picture is actually focused on the speed limit sign. Classic.

(Just a note-I really do like these two pictures. I'm in a really snarky-and-jacked-up-on-caffeine sort of mood, no offense)