Friday, May 18, 2007

Awesomely Bad Fashion

Although I know that this jacket is destined for the back page of Glamour or a Random Fug, I still LOVE it because it is just so crazy.


Vika said...

You know, I actually expected worse when I read you posting. If they were in all different neon colors, that would have been worse.

It is pretty cheesy, but can you expect anything different from the French (or any other Euros for that matter? I've SEEN EuroVision. Those people have no sense of the phrase "over the top"--I mean, a walking disco ball won 2nd place this year!!!)


Witty said...

It looks like an arts & crafts Mother's Day present from her kindergarten aged child! And although I completely agreed that Europe is a bastion of crazy fashion (which is why I love it) you have to admit that this jacket doesn't come close to the superbly delicious insanity that is Eurovision!